MK Feet Podiatry Clinic

What Are Corns & How Are They Treated?

Corns are incredibly common at our podiatry clinic, so we have put together a guide on the cause of corns, as well as how we can treat them.

What Are Corns?

Corns, otherwise known as a heloma durum, is a localised thickening of the skin caused by an increase in pressure. As a corn develops, it can become very painful. It is a type of hard skin (callus) with a distinctive circular shape and is most commonly found on the tops of toes, at the ends of toes and on the sole of the foot.

The distinctive shape of a corn comes from the nature of the pressure, or how it is applied to the foot. They can have overlying hard skin, which is the bodies way of protecting itself as it builds up though it can cause increased discomfort.

How Are Corns Treated?

Podiatrists offer the most effective and safest methods of dealing with corns. Treatment for corns involves debridement, which is usually painless. However, each condition requires its own unique method of treatment, and as such, it is important that a correct, accurate diagnosis is made prior to treatment. Many over the counter products tend to contain substances designed to chemically remove corns, which can have unfortunate side effects if they come into contact with the surrounding healthy skin, ultimately leading to skin damage, infections or wounds.

An important part of the treatment of a corn is addressing the initial cause. Even after the corn is removed if the pressure remains, this will result in a build-up of more pressure and ultimately another corn. A podiatrist can assess you and make recommendations where needed.